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About Me 

Hi, I'm Jane and I love learning and talking about the nervous system and its impact on every aspect of our lives.


Understanding our behaviour through the lens of the nervous system brings a new level of self-compassion that frees us to let go of unhelpful, automated patterns. Doing this creates so much space for renewed energy and vitality with our own health and the health of our relationships.


In my work as a psychologist over the past 20 years, I have been drawn to assist those people (most often women) who prioritise others over themselves, people please to their own detriment, are hard on themselves, are a "helper" and/or "achiever", and who have never felt emotional safety when creating boundaries - and are paying dearly for it with their mental and physical health.


I also discovered throughout my time working as a Pilates instructor for a rehabilitation-focused studio, just how important movement practices (with a focus on breath and flow) are for processing emotions, re-connecting with the body, minimising excess energy expenditure through improper engagement patterns, and moving nervous system energy through the body - all of which contribute to nervous system regulation (greater nervous system capacity and resilience).


Regulating the nervous system takes time and consistency and cannot be rushed. However, building understanding and awareness goes a long way to establishing greater capacity. This is life changing!


My wish is for you to take some of these ideas and put them into practice - with the ultimate goal of becoming your own master of communication with your body and gatekeeper of your energy.​


I have a keen interest and lived experience with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Fibromyalgia, Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Anxiety and Trauma.



  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours

  • Doctor of Psychology – Clinical

  • Registered Clinical Psychologist (AHPRA)

  • Member of the Australian Psychological Society

  • Member of APS College of Clinical Psychologists

  • Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (PITC Sydney)

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